Are you afraid of hosting virtual events to grow your business and community?
If you said yes, it’s okay. There’s no shame or blame in that.
If you said yes, you’ve come to the right place because there is no judgement here. We see you, we hear you, we feel you. And we’re here to help.
If you said no, then you’re killing it in the event space, and I’m celebrating with you. I’m also willing to bet that when you first started some of the things we’re going to talk about in this post, are eerily familiar.
In this post, you’ll learn what the top 3 fears of hosting events are and how to combat them with positive, powerful affirmations to get you into creative mode and out of fear mode.
Master Your Mindset
When it comes to hosting events, virtual or in-person, there are many fears and objections that we’re faced with.
These fears and objections hinder us from sharing our message, stepping into the spotlight to inspire others with our stories, and serving the people who are waiting for us to show up.
What needs to happen is a mind shift in the top three fears, objections, and limiting beliefs.
Whatever you want to call them, they are not serving you or your ideal client. They are holding you back.
When you learn to replace limiting beliefs with powerful affirmations and truthful statements, you will feel empowered and you’ll invite abundance in as you start hosting events for your business, online or in-person.
Top 3 Fears for Event Hosts
The top 3 fears around hosting events have been consistent across the board.
Let’s learn what they are and how you can swipe them from your memory so you can focus on creating amazing experiences that will land you dreamy clients, position you as the expert, build awareness of your brand, and even make some money.
Fear #1 No one will show up!
This one wins the award for being at the top of anyone’s mind who ever thought about hosting an event.
We want things to be perfect. We know that we have a great idea and a powerful limiting belief like this can stop us in our tracks and send us walking the opposite way.
Imagine the horror of putting your time, money and energy into planning an event only to find out that only a few people signed up, you didn’t reach your goals, and you lost a ton of resources in the process. Not to mention your reputation.
Phew, this is a lot of pressure to put on yourself and we haven’t even started planning yet. Remember, this is only in your head.
Mindset shift: You’ve got to believe that people will show up, and that what you’re creating is valuable.
The best way to ensure that people will show up to your event is to start talking about it before you even plan it.
If you have an idea for an event, start asking your current customers, clients, colleagues what they think about it. Ask what they’d like to see and experience at your event, and what would make it a no brainer for them to participate.
In addition, you want to build a community, not an attendee list.
If you aren’t already adding value somewhere to your ideal clients and community, then no one will follow you. Instead, focus on building relationships, conducting market research through real conversations about the needs of your ideal client, and build your event around providing solutions to their problems.
Whenever you feel this feat coming on repeat the affirmation below.
I attract the right people to my event. Those who attend want to desperately be there, and are meant to be there.
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Fear #2: I don’t have enough to share.
This fear is usually centered around your worth, and honey, you are so worth it.
You might feel like an imposter hosting an event, or you might think you don’t have enough material to cover. Not enough content, not enough experience, not enough time or money.
My “friend” Angie Lee always says, “ready is a lie.” In fact, I think she wrote a book about it.
Who says you have to do or be anything before shedding love and light through your own event. By being you, you have the capacity to empower and give permission to others to do and be the same.
Mindset shift: The key here is to really keep things simple. Less is more.
Hosting an event can be as easy as sharing your unique experiences, expertise, story, process friends and/or resources.
Instead of focusing on what you think you can’t do, focus on all the ways you can serve your community and ideal clients.
Why not get out of your own head and start leading with events. Start sharing your story with those who need to hear it.
While you’re at it, be real and raw about your fears, too. Your attendees will thank you for it.
Affirmation: When this negative feeling of self-worth starts creeping in focus on one of these amazing affirmations.
I have everything I need to host successful, memorable, and profitable events.
I have a wealth of value to offer my event attendees and partners.
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Fear #3: What if people don’t want to pay? Even worse, what if I lose money?
What you focus on expands. This is part of the universal law of attraction.
When you think about negative thoughts and even things you don’t want, you’re actually becoming a magnet for those things.
Instead focus on what you can control, focus on what you want. You want to make money, and that is okay. There’s also no shame or blame in that.
Mindset shift: It’s our duty to make money from our efforts so we can keep pouring into the world. Imagine how much more you can do when people invest in themselves and in you. You can do this.
I will sell out my event and make a profit.
Money is all around me, and I am open to receiving it.
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Your Turn
My friend, you have everything you need to host successful, memorable and profitable events.
Let go of your fears and replace them with positive affirmations that will empower you to serve others and shine in your spotlight.
Thanks for reading. I hope you found this post insightful.
Please let me know your thoughts and tell me how you’re going to take advantage of these affirmations and mind shifts as you start hosting your own events.

Angela Quisumbing is a multi passionate mompreneur. She is the CEO + Event Strategist for Angela Grace Events where every day and everyone is a reason to celebrate. She is also the host of the Facebook live show, Angela Grace Celebrates Live where she features tips, industry experts, and tools to help you plan and promote a successful and memorable event. She’s also an aspiring speaker and a self-proclaimed advocate for lifelong learning.