Your event is done. Now what?
You write an awesome post-event recap that’s what! But why you ask?
Look, I know you’re tired, but you’ve got to keep that momentum going.
Here are a few reasons you want to make sure you write a post-event recap for your readers.
➡️ To thank you everyone for attending
➡️ To thank feature your sponsors one last time
➡️ To create major FOMO (fear of missing out) so non-attendees will save the date for next year
➡️ To share in your upcoming newsletter
➡️ To use when promoting the next event, repurpose the crap out of this recap, okay?!
➡️ To drive traffic and possibly get ticket sales – especially if you’re promoting a special rate
First, a few ground rules…
✔️ Don’t share every single detail, tease those who didn’t attend
✔️ Don’t put it off for too long – make this part of your event marketing plan
✔️ Do share the big highlights
✔️ Do add photos, and video if possible
✔️ Do make it fun!
What do I include in my po-event recap?
Well, I’m glad you asked. The answer is, stick to the basics. Who, what, when, where, why, and how for fun!
Here’s a quick formula for writing a great post-event recap!
Event Summary. Write a brief description detailing what the event was about. Talk about who the event is for. Share who the event hosts, organizers or producers are. People want to know what’s in it for them, always! It’s also nice to know some background about the event, especially if it’s a non-attendee reading on the other end.
Save-the-date. This is easy. Share when the event occurred, and easily plugin the date(s) for the next event and invite readers to attend.
Location, Location, Location. Real estate in events is a thing. People want to know where the event was held. Was it on the beach? Was it at a desirable destination? Spill the beans about this awesome venue.
Give Thanks. Mention your guests, speakers, and sponsors. Thank them for attending, and let them know how much you appreciate their involvement. Events don’t happen without people, so thank your peeps in as many ways as you can.
Embed social posts. Let your attendees know you’re listening. Share their tweets, Instagram posts, Facebook lives, by embedding a few into your post-event recap. Then let them know you did.
Imagery. Photos are a must. Videos are cool. Sprinkle them around your post evenly. People want to see who was there. And, people who were there, want to see themselves having fun. Create an album on Facebook, or a gallery on your website and let people know where they can view, tag and share event photos. Be sure to give credit to your photogs. Bonus tip! Encouraging people to share your event photos will help boost your social media engagement, too.
Share your why. Give people a few good reasons why they should attend. You’ve already done most of the work, and by showcasing the best images, and highlights you won’t have to say much here. It’s still a good idea at some point to share why your event is one not to be missed.
Have fun! Share some behind-the-scenes photos to show how you got things done. Any bloopers? Funny stories? Don’t be afraid to show something unique, or controversial. It just might be the reason why people come to your next shindig.
Your Turn
At the end of the day, share what feels right for you. You don’t have to follow this formula, but I do hope it’s helpful in guiding you through writing your post-event recap.
For more inspiration, check out my event recap of Social Media Day San Diego here.

Angela Quisumbing is a multi passionate mompreneur. She is the CEO + Event Strategist for Angela Grace Events where every day and everyone is a reason to celebrate. She is also the host of the Facebook live show, Angela Grace Celebrates Live where she features tips, industry experts, and tools to help you plan and promote a successful and memorable event. She’s also an aspiring speaker and a self-proclaimed advocate for lifelong learning.